Day 20

Today is Day 20.

For twenty days now, we have been “grounded” in our flat, following Bella’s surgery.
And I must tell you – it absolutely FEELS like 20 days.
Time has not flown by in this regard.

Yes, I have had some great times out of the flat, but I must be honest and say that they have been few and far between. My priority is my daughters.

Our days are laden with a lot of the things most parents would cringe at. My daughters play wii together, they play Minecraft together, they watch movies, they play Animal Jam on the computer.

And yes, I do try to play the role of the conscientious mother through our the day, integrating mandatory reading and craft time, and writing thank you letters.

But it is all getting old, monotonous, I am teary-eyed all the time, have trouble sleeping because those hours after the girls go to bed are when my mind kicks in and the peace and quiet is like a cool drink of water on a hot day, and I






I will not be in this place forever. I know that.

This is a season of my life, and please know that I AM GRATEFUL that I can be home with my daughters right now.
There are many things to be grateful for, and I do work at finding moments daily to stop and recognize those things.

But today –

as I woke up, checked the calendar and saw that it is


Day 20.

Some good news::

Bella decided yesterday that she wanted to walk.

When Bella puts her mind to something, look out.

She has now gone up and down the flat on her crutches,

quite pleased with herself and rightly so.

Next week, we head back to the doctor to have those dastardly stitches removed and to have the next round of casts put on.

We are moving in the right direction.

It is slow and tedious.

It is indeed

Day 20.

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